Tuesday 19 November 2019

After I compared Encarta encyclopedia with Britannica encyclopedia, I found that:
For Encarta encyclopedia:
 The website is not reliable, it allows everyone to edit it.
  It doesn’t show the author information.
  It doesn’t have any picture.
  Has reference list.

For Britannica encyclopedia:
It provides the author’s name
Public people are not allowed to edit it.
It has the picture of the character.
Does not have reference list.

The similar of two types encyclopeida
- have clear headline
- access through online
- have contents
- use formal language

Tuesday 12 November 2019

                                                      The summary for Hepatitis

This online article provide the information about hepatitis. Hepatitis is inflammation and swelling on the liver. It can be cause by infection from viruses, bacteria, liver damage, fatty liver and overtaking medications. It also can be caused by liver disease and Wilson disease. Hepatitis can develop quickly, but also can be treated very fast. There are three kinds of hepatitis, which include Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. For hepatitis A, the common symptoms are pain and bloating in the belly area, low level fever, loss of appetite, weight loss and dark urine. For Hepatitis B and C,  at the beginning may not have symptoms and it can lead liver damage later. There are two ways to identify hepatitis A, B, C. One is physical exam, another is lab tests. After one has  diagnosed with hepatitis, doctor will provide the treatment options, which can be vary. The complications from hepatitis may lead permanent liver damage, liver failure and liver cancer. If you have any symptoms of hepatitis, should  visit doctor soon. To prevent Hap A and B, people can having a vaccine and should having good condition on personal hygiene and food hygiene. The preventing spread Hep B and C from one to another, people should not sharing any personal items, which include  medications and equipments.